Shortcuts For Mac Terminal

  1. Mac Open Terminal Hotkey
  2. Shortcut For Mac Terminal

kitty is capable of running multiple programs organized into tabs andwindows. The top level of organization is the Tab. Each tab consistsof one or more windows. The windows can be arranged in multipledifferent layouts, like windows are organized in a tiling windowmanager. The keyboard controls (which are all customizable) for tabs andwindows are:

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  1. On Mac OS X - the following keyboard shortcuts work by default. Note that you have to make Option key act like Meta in Terminal preferences (under keyboard tab). Alt (⌥)+F to jump Forward by a word alt (⌥)+B to jump Backward by a word I have observed that default emacs key-bindings for simple text navigation seem to work on bash shells.
  2. The default shortcut is: Mac: Control + ` Windows: Ctrl + ` I changed it to: Mac: Command + Option + ` Windows: Ctrl + Alt + ` How to change: Search for “Integrated Terminal” in the keyboard shortcuts panel. You should see an option to toggle the integrated terminal. On Mac, you can’t set Command + Option + ` through this panel.
  3. Creating a Mac desktop shortcut is the same as making an alias on a Mac. Read through the steps below to create macOS keyboard shortcuts: Use Finder to locate the file that you wish to make a desktop shortcut.
  4. Keyboard shortcuts in Terminal on Mac. Use these shortcuts to save time when using Terminal. Work with Terminal windows and tabs. New window with same command. New tab with same command. Show or hide tab bar.



Scroll line up

ctrl+shift+up (also ++ and + on macOS)

Scroll line down

ctrl+shift+down (also ++ and + on macOS)

Scroll page up

ctrl+shift+page_up (also + on macOS)

Scroll page down

ctrl+shift+page_down (also + on macOS)

Scroll to top

ctrl+shift+home (also + on macOS)

Scroll to bottom

ctrl+shift+end (also + on macOS)



New tab

ctrl+shift+t (also +t on macOS)

Close tab

ctrl+shift+q (also +w on macOS)

Next tab

ctrl+shift+right (also ^+ and ++] on macOS)

Previous tab

ctrl+shift+left (also +^+ and ++[ on macOS)

Next layout

Move tab forward

Move tab backward

Set tab title

ctrl+shift+alt+t (also ++i on macOS)



New window

ctrl+shift+enter (also + on macOS)

New OS window

ctrl+shift+n (also +n on macOS)

Close window

ctrl+shift+w (also ++d on macOS)

Next window

Previous window

Move window forward

Move window backward

Move window to top

Focus specific window

ctrl+shift+1, ctrl+shift+2 ... ctrl+shift+0(also +1, +2 ... +9 on macOS)(clockwise from the top-left)

Mac Open Terminal Hotkey

Additionally, you can define shortcuts in kitty.conf to focus neighboringwindows and move windows around (similar to window movement in vim):

You can also define a shortcut to switch to the previously active window:


nth_window will focus the nth window for positive numbers and thepreviously active windows for negative numbers.

You can define shortcuts to detach the current window andmove it to another tab or another OS window:

Similarly, you can detach the current tab, with:

Shortcut For Mac Terminal

Finally, you can define a shortcut to close all windows in a tab other thanthe currently active window: